About Mohs Surgery at Southern Dermatology

Our Mohs surgeons have the expertise and training required to treat different types of skin cancer effectively. This allows us to help preserve our patients’ healthy skin and ensure the best cosmetic outcome possible. As a result, everyone who comes to us for a Mohs skin procedure receives quality care. We pride ourselves on the level of skill exhibited by our Mohs surgeons.

Our surgeons are specially trained in Mohs Micrographic surgery, who have collectively performed thousands of Mohs procedures. In addition to serving our own patients, our surgeons welcome referrals for Mohs treatment from many other area dermatologists as well as general physicians.

The Most Effective Treatment For Many Types Of Skin Cancer

Gregory J. Wilmoth, M.D. and Eric D. Challgren, M.D. are fellows of the American Society for Mohs Surgery. This rigorous training requires extensive knowledge of the Mohs technique, advanced surgical precision, and extensive reconstruction experience.



  • Diagnosis of skin cancer
  • Mohs Micrographic surgery for the removal of the skin cancer
  • Highly specialized surgical reconstruction techniques for the closure of the treated area
  • Compassionate post-procedure follow-up care and wound management
Female Doctor Examining Pigmented Skin On Man's Back With Dermatoscope

Mohs Micrographic Surgery

This approach delivers the highest rate of cure of any surgical procedure for the treatment of skin cancer. It minimizes the amount of healthy tissue lost and maximizes the functional and cosmetic outcome of the surgery.

In this procedure, the visible portion of the tumor is removed, then working outward from the affected area, a thin layer of skin is removed at a time. The tissue is immediately evaluated under a microscope to determine the extent of the cancer. Successive layers are removed only where necessary until no tumor is present.

This complete, systematic microscopic search for the “roots” of the skin cancer, offers a 97% – 99% chance for complete removal of cancer without an excessive loss of normal tissue. As a result, Mohs Micrographic Surgery is very useful for large tumors, tumors with indistinct borders, tumors near vital functional or cosmetically important areas, and tumors for which other forms of therapy have failed. However, no surgeon or technique can guarantee a 100% chance of cure.

In a methodical process, Mohs surgeons use a complete microscopic examination of surgically removed tissue and detailed mapping techniques that allow him or her to track and remove all roots and extensions of the skin cancer.

Our Board-Certified, Mohs Surgeons

Mohs surgery is performed in the offices of Southern Dermatology on an outpatient basis and under local anesthesia. Dr. Wilmoth and Dr. Challgren have been trained in this highly specialized cancer treatment and both are Fellows with the American Society for Mohs Surgery. With their extensive knowledge of the skin and unique pathological skills, they are able to remove only diseased tissue, preserving healthy tissue and minimizing the cosmetic impact of the surgery.

  • Headshot of Dr Wilmoth
    Gregory J. Wilmoth, MD
  • Headshot of Dr Challgren
    Eric D. Challgren, MD

From diagnosing skin cancer to providing state-of-the-art Mohs Micrographic surgery technique, our board-certified dermatologists provide solutions and attentive care throughout the treatment process, including reconstructive closure and post-surgical care.

Advanced Reconstructive Technique

Southern Dermatology’s Mohs Experts Are Board-Certified & Mohs Surgery Fellows

Many patients are worried about treating skin cancer and also how they will look after the procedure. Southern Dermatology understands that looking like yourself, post-procedure is very important.

While removing the skin cancer is paramount, our specialists also excel at minimizing the cosmetic impacts of the surgery by using advanced reconstruction techniques of the skin. Southern Dermatology partners with you throughout the treatment process, which includes post-procedure wound care.

Early Detection Is Key

Southern Dermatology encourages yearly skin cancer screenings

Keeping a close on eye on any changes to your skin is essential to your health. Southern Dermatology encourages yearly head-to-toe check by a Dermatologist to detect signs of precancerous or cancerous lesions on the skin.

Skin cancer is the most common form of cancer in the U.S. Over 3.3 million people will be treated this year for nonmelanoma skin cancer. The good news is that skin cancer is very treatable. When skin cancer is discovered, early detection plays a significant role in the successful treatment of the cancer.

Download Skin Self Examination Journal

The Importance of Prevention

Exposure to UVA & UVB rays is known to contribute to skin cancer. Southern Dermatology recommends the following guidelines to help prevent skin cancer:

  • Wear SPF 30+ sunscreen daily and reapply every 2 hours or immediately after swimming or sweating
  • Avoid peak sun hours of the day between 10:00 a.m. and 4 p.m. If you’re outside during these times, stay in the shade
  • Avoid tanning beds
  • Wear sun-protective clothing, hats, and sunglasses
The dermatologist examines the moles or acne of the patient with a dermatoscope. Prevention of melanoma